The lively current that animates the flow of the River Stella - known as Anaxum in Latin - tells the story of an ancient medieval fortress surrounded by a defensive moat to protect the feudal lords, accessible only by a drawbridge.
Probably built on the remains of an ancient Roman fortified camp - often located on river channels for commercial purposes - it still holds unexplained mysteries buried under the ground and in the depths of the surrounding waters. Two Roman ships found in the riverbed reveal ancient contact with the local people. Historical records also speak of Anaxum as a fundamental link in the routes later taken by the Knights Templar on their way to the Holy Land.
A hill rises among the verdant meadows of the park, and unanswered questions remain within the heart of its thousand-year old burial mo
Today, the fortress has been replaced by a noble villa that joins up with the original thirteenth-century tower, the walls of which have been built on the original foundations, and with the imposing entrance arch overlooking the stone bridge, which has replaced the drawbridge for centuries. The first documents citing the castle date back to 1258 and concern the return of the castrum et villam inferiorem de Flambro to the patriarch of Aquileia, Gregorio di Montelongo, who had granted jurisdiction over the entire fiefdom to the brothers Corrado and Rodolfo Savorgnan. Between 1300 and 1400, the expansion of Venice undermined the power of the Patriarchate of Aquileia, which decided to transfer ownership of the fiefdom to Count Palatine Leonardo of Gorizia, who, in 1466 in turn transferred jurisdiction to the Count of Codroipo.
The brief period of tranquillity that followed is a prelude to the Turkish incursions that, between 1472 and 1500, devastate Friuli. Among the over ten thousand victims, not to mention the prisoners they kidnapped and enslaved, the entire Codroipo family perished, except for one who miraculously escaped the massacre. The jurisdiction returned to the owner, the Count of Gorizia, who had no heirs. Towards the end of the 1400s, the property was inherited by Maximilian of Habsburg, thus taking the territory away from Venice. The year 1508 saw conflicts between the Austrians and the Venetians and the conflict that ended the expansionist hopes of Venice, the Serenissima Republic.
The Napoleonic Cadastre established by Bonaparte in 1800 transformed the jurisdiction into ownership, and for the fiefdom of Flambruzzo, entrusted once again by the Habsburgs to the Codroipo family, it marks a definitive turning point in the castle′s history. Possession was confirmed to the Counts of Codroipo after 400 years of vassalage, but it was called into question due to the lack of heirs.
Thus, the manor with all its lands was acquired for the first time by the family that would shape its destiny, specifically by Count Francesco Rota di San Vito al Tagliamento. Various events later led to the departure of the Rota family from Flambruzzo, but the castle remained in the heart of the daughter of Count Francesco, Giuliana, to the extent that it prompted her husband, Mario, the son of the Marshal of Italy, Pietro Badoglio, to repurchase it as a gift of love for his beautiful wife.
To this day, the property remains in the hands of the Badoglio Dukes and is inhabited by their youngest son, Alessandro, together with his wife Maria Clotilde Antonietti.